Friday 25 December 2009

Lee McIntyre Free Internet Marketing Coaching Workshop

In August 2009 Lee McIntyre, one of the UK's top internet marketing coaches ran an exclusive 2 day workshop where he revealed some of the biggest secrets to his 6 figure monthly income.

The event sold out fast, was attended by big named marketers and left everyone with the information and know-how to create their own $20,000 montly income in record time.

Lee's achievements...

Those lucky enough to reserve a seat at the event RAVED about the workshop and left some of most impressive testimonials you'll hear. With a focus on leverage, long term wealth and putting together systems that automate your business - the Upside Down, Inside Out Workshop was a one off event never to be repeated again. Bad news...

Fortunately, Lee had a camera crew on hand and has decided to released the DVD on popular release for the grand sum of ....

Actually it's free.
Now Lee orginally intended on selling the internet marketing coaching workshop DVD for $1997 or more but for a limited time only (limited by the number of DVD's - when they're gone, they're gone) he's giving them away. An act that will cost him some big bucks.

There is a method to this madness and a reason for the free DVD - he is after all a very clever, successful marketer. Whilst Lee isn't a charity he does firmly and genuinely believe in giving first and selling second. This is the giving - you see he wants you to believe in him, his methods and trust that what he says works first.

He knows that once you check out the DVD you'll be hooked and become a long term member of his Point and Click Coaching (or any of his other products). Me, well I'm already enrolled in another membership program by some other guru so the thought of joining another kinda put me off.

Eventually I caved in and took advantage of the free DVD offer and his 14 day free trial. Reluctantly I started his $300 a day strategy (your first task) which changed my mind and answered two of my biggest doubts for joining.
  1. Paying money every month
  2. Would it deliver what I want and need (to really make a difference)
First the $300 strategy is enough to pay for my membershp and then some (no brainer), takes very little time (so I can still continue with other projects) and makes the monthly membership fee a worthwhile investment (I'm already in profit).

Secondly the information overdelivers and then some. It may not be what you want - it is what you need as the weekly modules get you 'doing' and making progress. Something most marketers really need from their internet marketing coaching.

Stacks of relevant information and there's much more where that came from as Lee will be giving away lots of his own tools, templates and products in future weeks (can't wait).

At the moment I'm listening to a special hidden bonus with some real gems on promotion and keeping everyone happy. He's even talking about paying out $50,000 to affiliates (I had to rewind and listen to that again to make sure I wasnt hearing things).

Thoroughly impressed for the first time in a long time... that newbie feeling where you live the internet lifestyle and work the hours you want might not be so far off.

Click HERE to get your FREE DVD and find out how Lee built a $103,153.96 per month business

I recommend at least checking it out and if you're still not sure that Lee's qualified for the internet marketing coaching job (Listen to him in person revealing his successes HERE). This really is a program the does what it says on the box from a marketer who's been there, done that, worn the t-shirt and knows how to teach.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Earn More and Work Less with Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching

Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching is his latest venture to create a brand and business where quality and overdelivery are the name of the game. Giving first and selling later from this new breed, renegade marketer. So what's it all about?

It's about making money online, it's about an ethical business model and crushing the opposition by being different. It's about:

  • Doubling your email marketing income.

  • Quadrupling sales (that's always a nice thing... )

  • Getting any affiliate to promote your products (free and easy traffic)

  • Building a $20,000 per month business in record time (even if you have no list, no contacts and no products).

  • Earning more and working less (who doesn't want that .. ?)

  • It's about success....

The Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching is promoted on the back of Lee's recently released 'Upside Down Inside Out Workshop'. In August 2009 he taught as much as he could in 2 days about what you need to do to replicate his business (it does over $100K a month if you're interested : )

The workshop has been released as a Free DVD, it's an offer that will cost Lee a lot of money upfront ( I know that the Point and Click coaching has about 1000 members) so the number of people who ordered the DVD has to be much much more.

That said... he's a clever and confident sort that knows the cost of giving away so much quality information will come back to benefit him in the long run as people turn from suspects to prospects to raving fans hooked on the quality his products ooze.

Me, well I ordered the DVD and had no intention in joining the monthly Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching. Only problem for me was that Lee McIntyres Coaching has near magic spell like qualities and I'm hooked.

The Free DVD took a little time to arrive so it's good that you also get immediate digital access and is long. Over 8 hours of really good, behind the scenes information that can readily be applied to all types of business. My personal favorite is the deep connection dynamics – a really clever way to boost your email marketing returns.

In between the 8 different DVD sections I browsed the membership site. Each week you're give easily actionable task. You get video training, an assignment and resources to make your job easy. The first task is putting together a system to earn $300 per day... it's simple, it's easy and it's the first rung of a ladder to bigger and better things.

The weekly tasks are perfect for anyone struggling to stick to a plan (and even better if you're ready to take action). As someone who suffers from information overload ... finishing my first task in 20 minutes was a very good feeling.

Each week the Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching builds so your progress through the ranks, growing your skills, boosting your earnings and building a quality business online.

Obviously it's still early days for me, I can't comment on what happens in week 26 or whatever... all I do know is that I'm already on course to break personal bests when it comes to earnings and I've loving every minute of it!

Now just in case you've not heard about Lee McIntyre or the Point and Click Internet Marketing Coaching (and his Free DVD) then here's a few words (and achievements) that will blow you away.

See what Lee McIntyre has to say about his coaching and his free DVD

All About Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Coaching Free DVD

After coming across promotions for Lee McIntyres Point and Click Coaching Free DVD all over the place I was finally persuaded and jumped on board and ordered the DVD of his Upside Down Inside Out Workshop.

I was pleasantly surprised.

This 2 day event was a one of a kind for Lee that he's promised never to repeat every again. It taught his behind the scenes strategies for building his 7 figure income and how he plans to grow in futher and hit the $1 million per month mark (I hope you were sitting down for that bit ... )

The 65 participants paid as much as $997 to attend the workshop plus the cost of travel, accommodation and the time away from their business. So why then... give it away for free … an action that will inevitably cost Lee a lot of cash.

Well here's why... he's pretty clever, confident and does a very good job. I'll give you a prime example.

As someones who's been in the Internet Marketing niche for over 2 years I, like most others, have bought far too many course already and have a to-do list as long as my arm and now was not a good time to join. Especially when I'm already part of another membership program costing a more modest $27 per month.

Now I'm a big fan of Mr McIntyre and have about 5 different MP3 interviews on my iPod that I listen to on a regular basis (I hear something different each time) so I had absolutely no doubts about his legitamacy, success story and achievements. Plus I know he's coached some very high profile Clickbank product creators and 'pure' affiliate marketers (ie. not product creators)....

(Listen to this little video clip to see how he changed his life in record time).

I just didn't want to part with the money right now when I've already got lots I could and should be getting on with...

So I decided to go for the freebie, ordered the Point and Click Coaching Free DVD that comes with a 14 free trial to the membership training with a view to cancelling my membership within the free period.

Fully intent on quitting before my first billing (I did feel a little guilty but that's the calculated risk these guys take) I was sucked in by what blew me away.

And that my friends is the catch. Lee knows that giving away this DVD, something he could easily charge for is going to cost him money initially … however the sheer quality of the content and what can be realistically achieved is worth much much more than the monthly price tag.

So my dilemma now is this. Do I stay with my other coaching program, do I continue with the Point and Click Free DVD coaching or do I bail with everything. After all it's a hefty monthly fee.

Here's what I decided. First I've got absolute confidence in Lee, his systems and his ability to pass on his knowledge. Second, after a brief hiccup with my membership (and a support ticket) the help I got was out of this world... like so good I felt guilty and that I owed him something. Third, the very first task you have to complete is a $300 a day plan....

Well $300 is already more than I earn online, heck it's more than I've earned from any full-time job and it's dead easy. But that's not all... This is simply part of the plan to teach you some of the key skills that will grow your income, stabilize your earnings and push you to a level most internet marketers dream of and give up on.

If that's not reason enough to stay... then I've no business in internet marketing.

So what can I say? Well first check out the free DVD. The content is quality, it's the birds eye view with exact tactics Lee is using right now to grow his 7 figure income and take it to another level. Who doesn't want to know and apply that?

If you're not sure.... well it's free (apart for roughly $7 shipping which is less than most rehashed ebooks currently on the market).

The tiny risk for an insight into what could change your life forever is well worth it and the best thing you can do right now is just listen to these few words from the man himself...

Listen to Lee and find out more about the Point and Click Coaching Free DVD....

Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Review – Real User Review

Unless you've been in a bunker somewhere, chances are you've come across the newly released Point and Click Coaching course from Lee McIntyre. The coaching course has been firmly promoted on the back of his latest release the “Upside Down Inside Out Workshop” DVD – over 8 hours of workshop footage that cost $997 and then some to attend.

So what's the deal, why's everyone promoting it and more importantly can it help you?

Hopefully this Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Review will give you the low down from a real user … me. I'm going to do my best to keep on track and make it as painless as possible.

What's it all about?

The coaching program is designed to take internet marketers of any and every level from absolute zero to building their own $20,000 per month business in the shortest time possible. Covering a wide range of skills, this step by step approach to training covers what Lee considers to be the cornerstones of each and every successful business.

If there's one thing to say here it's that the Point and Click Coaching has the perfect mentor, someone who is clearly living the internet dream. Someone who went from zero to over $100,000 per month in roughly two years. A man that made his first $7035.95 in 30 days and a man that can actually teach (in his previous life he was a high school teacher).

My point... there's a distinct lack of bulls**t and Lee's practising what he preaches and has a whole range of high profile, successful students following in his footsteps already.

That sounds an awful lot of work... is it really possible?

If someone had said to be that at the end of the course you'll have a $20,000 per month money making machine in place and all you have to do is this …... I'd either call them a liar or start to feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of work that lay ahead.

Fortunately for me (and you) the Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Coaching is very cleverly organized, presented and over-delivers from day one. From week one you'll be shown his simple and totally logical way to get every student off the ground. This overview reveals how Lee is going to teach you all the skills from marketing, promoting, generating traffic, selling products, creating your own systems and creating your own products.

When I saw the overview my first question was “When do I earn money?” Well the first task you start is the “$300 a day plan”. The beauty is that you not only earn decent money quickly (which covers the cost of the program instantly) it's a way of actually applying the skills Point and Click teaches.

I'm sure everyone agrees that knowing the theory is one thing, putting it into practise is quite another. When you get inot the swing of the course, you start to appreciate how clever Lee's Point and Click Coaching really is. Why else does he have so many fans and over 1000 members already?!

Things I don't like about Point and Click Coaching by Lee McIntyre

To be honest I was totally blown away by the sheer volume of information in the first two weeks. You've got the entire Inside Out Upside Down DVD series plus several hours of interview material that Lee recommends you check out to get a birds eye view on what you'll be learning.

On one hand it's nice to know you're getting a ton of information (even when you're on the 14 day trial) however I was very conscious that knowing stuff won't put money in the bank. So I was a little disappointed that I couldn't start immediately and the first assignment was a week later.

So week two was a lot more satisfying for me as I digested the “$300 a day plan” and got to work. After less than 30 minutes I had the work done and was already feeling good about myself.

The next few weeks took more time to put the 'architecture' in place for the $300 per day … but nothing crazy. I have a girlfriend, full-time job (that I've no intention of quitting) and train at a semi-professional level in sports... and still managed to get the work done. That said it still takes discipline to sit down and just do.

My other qualm was the delay I had to get my 3 week material, it was nearly a week late but the support desk were superb. In fact the help I got back meant I felt guilty for complaining. I've heard Lee say it again and again …. he believes in over delivering and his team certainly did with their help. I've very grateful and wanted to pay them : )

The final irritation is that there is a load of bonus information … why is that an irritation? Just because Lee constantly say's it's free for being a member and I hear myself saying “No it's what I'm paying for” however I think the point Lee's making is that the Point and Click Coaching goes well beyond it's cost delivering over $5000 worth of information, tools and coaching for a relatively modest monthly fee.

So whats the prognosis?

I'm enthusiastic and excited for the future. I've no intention of giving up my day job (I love it) however like many nice jobs it don't pay too well so I'm absolutely confident that the information and tools (something I forgot to mention) provided by the course are limited only by my own desire and persistence. I can't wait until the next week, make weekly progress and feel good.

This is the first monthly coaching program I've every joined. No tell a lie, I'm part of a $27 per month which nearly put me off joining another however there's no regrets to joining the Point and Click Coaching. I was firmly in the 'Get the free Lee McIntyre DVD' and then cancel on day 12 brigade but the quality was too much and the benefits too great.

Sure I can't comment on the weeks that lie ahead however Mr McIntyre has already mentioned some of the stuff that comes and it will only get better as he shares more and more and more. Do I recommend it? Absolutely and if you're not sure just get the Free Inside Out Upside Down Workshop, give it a go for the 14 days and cancel.

He's not like the others who say “If you cancel them you can never come back” Lee is much more ethical than that and someone I actually believe enough to part with my money.

So much for the short review... but then I had to do it justice : )

Check out the Point and Click Coaching for Yourself HERE.

Lee Mcintyre Training Reveals How to do Things Inside Out and Upside Down Workshop

If you've ever wanted an easy to follow, step by step plan on how to build an online business (with no list, no contacts and no product) and start making money in the shortest possible time then you might want to read on....

Top UK internet marketer Lee McIntyre has now released his never revealed before “Inside Out and Upside Down” workshop to the public. This two day workshop had been a closed door event to his best customers who had paid $997 plus travel and accommodation to learn the internet marketing secrets that took Lee to earning $20,000 in just 56 days from scratch.

Attending the seminar were some massive names, clickbank top sellers and many of Lee McIntyre's personal students who have gone on to become full time internet marketers in their own right.

Unlike so many of the guru's Lee didn't build his business the 'normal way' in fact he did anything but. His completely new approach led Lee to name the day the “Inside Out and Upside Down” Workshop because that's how he likes to work.

Since starting less than 3 years ago lee has managed to build his online business to a whopping 6 figures each month with ambitions to take it 7 figures monthly. The same strategy revealed in the “Upside Down Inside Out” workshop.

Lee answers questions during a bonus sessions with attendees

One of the things Lee prides himself on is his background as a high school teacher. It means he has the skills to actually teach and not only that he shares some seriously clever techniques used in teaching and marketing (like NLP clever). That knowledge combined with the job satisfaction helping others puts him head and shoulders above the rest (in my opinion).

During the 8 hour plus 'Inside Out Upside Down' workshop Lee McIntyre reveals some of this deepest secrets, stuff he invented and tested himself as he grew his business and carved out his place as an honest internet marketing teacher that consistently over delivers. You won't find this anywhere else.

For 2 days straight, Lee captivated and rewarded his audience on “The Massive Monthly Payrise Method”, his “Deep Connection Dynamics”, the “Automatic Traffic Blast” and his “Affiliate Army Method” plus much much more. Not only did the attendees love the two day seminar, they gave live testimonials on the event and one student reported a 300% improved response rate from one of the techniques revealed.

As I mentioned earlier, many of the attendee's paid $997 just for the ticket, then you have travel, accommodation plus the cost of leaving your business or family along for the event. No one would've complained if the price was more and most were well established fans of Lee's (he doesn't burn people and they happily come back for more, and more, and more).

This one of workshop will never be repeated, there is no waiting list for the next one and no second chances to learn this exclusive material and information. Fortunately there was a professional camera crew on hand to record the workshop as Lee had considered selling the event as a backend product. But nope... he's giving it away and what's more it will cost him money to give it away.

All you have to do to gleam over 8 hours of the sharpest internet marketing information on the planet (at the moment) is pay for the shipping and handling. I'll say that one more time (because I missed it the first time) … it will actually cost him money for you to get this workshop on DVD.

Check out the Free Workshop DVD HERE

So what's the catch?

One of Lee's biggest personal philosophies is to give first and sell second. He is a massive advocate of giving some of your best information away for free because good stuff always comes back to reward you later. Plus it's because he's absolutely confident of his ability to help you succeed online.

Mr Lee McIntyre knows that when you get this DVD you'll join the long list of raving fans and there's a good chance you'll join his coaching program and probably several of his other products.

Personally I just wanted the “Upside Down Inside Out” Workshop free DVD and got hooked in. I think it was the $300 dollar pay day plan in week two that did it.... Those results put me in a superb position already : )

There is a word of warning, whilst digital versions may or may not be available in the future – the free DVD is only available while stocks last.

This is potentially your last chance to learn from one of the UK's top internet marketers right now, the man who built his business by doing things differently (and very ethically).

Get your Inside Out Upside Down Workshop Free DVD

What's more you'll be completely taken by surprise when you witness the speed at which his methods can be followed and incorporated into your business.

Don't let this opportunity pass you buy, slip through your fingers – grab it with both hands while you can and I promise … you won't be disappointed.

Find out more about the "Inside Out Upside Down" Workshop Free DVD