Tuesday 22 December 2009

All About Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Coaching Free DVD

After coming across promotions for Lee McIntyres Point and Click Coaching Free DVD all over the place I was finally persuaded and jumped on board and ordered the DVD of his Upside Down Inside Out Workshop.

I was pleasantly surprised.

This 2 day event was a one of a kind for Lee that he's promised never to repeat every again. It taught his behind the scenes strategies for building his 7 figure income and how he plans to grow in futher and hit the $1 million per month mark (I hope you were sitting down for that bit ... )

The 65 participants paid as much as $997 to attend the workshop plus the cost of travel, accommodation and the time away from their business. So why then... give it away for free … an action that will inevitably cost Lee a lot of cash.

Well here's why... he's pretty clever, confident and does a very good job. I'll give you a prime example.

As someones who's been in the Internet Marketing niche for over 2 years I, like most others, have bought far too many course already and have a to-do list as long as my arm and now was not a good time to join. Especially when I'm already part of another membership program costing a more modest $27 per month.

Now I'm a big fan of Mr McIntyre and have about 5 different MP3 interviews on my iPod that I listen to on a regular basis (I hear something different each time) so I had absolutely no doubts about his legitamacy, success story and achievements. Plus I know he's coached some very high profile Clickbank product creators and 'pure' affiliate marketers (ie. not product creators)....

(Listen to this little video clip to see how he changed his life in record time).

I just didn't want to part with the money right now when I've already got lots I could and should be getting on with...

So I decided to go for the freebie, ordered the Point and Click Coaching Free DVD that comes with a 14 free trial to the membership training with a view to cancelling my membership within the free period.

Fully intent on quitting before my first billing (I did feel a little guilty but that's the calculated risk these guys take) I was sucked in by what blew me away.

And that my friends is the catch. Lee knows that giving away this DVD, something he could easily charge for is going to cost him money initially … however the sheer quality of the content and what can be realistically achieved is worth much much more than the monthly price tag.

So my dilemma now is this. Do I stay with my other coaching program, do I continue with the Point and Click Free DVD coaching or do I bail with everything. After all it's a hefty monthly fee.

Here's what I decided. First I've got absolute confidence in Lee, his systems and his ability to pass on his knowledge. Second, after a brief hiccup with my membership (and a support ticket) the help I got was out of this world... like so good I felt guilty and that I owed him something. Third, the very first task you have to complete is a $300 a day plan....

Well $300 is already more than I earn online, heck it's more than I've earned from any full-time job and it's dead easy. But that's not all... This is simply part of the plan to teach you some of the key skills that will grow your income, stabilize your earnings and push you to a level most internet marketers dream of and give up on.

If that's not reason enough to stay... then I've no business in internet marketing.

So what can I say? Well first check out the free DVD. The content is quality, it's the birds eye view with exact tactics Lee is using right now to grow his 7 figure income and take it to another level. Who doesn't want to know and apply that?

If you're not sure.... well it's free (apart for roughly $7 shipping which is less than most rehashed ebooks currently on the market).

The tiny risk for an insight into what could change your life forever is well worth it and the best thing you can do right now is just listen to these few words from the man himself...

Listen to Lee and find out more about the Point and Click Coaching Free DVD....

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